How Long Does Recovery Take After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

How Long Does Recovery Take After Wisdom Teeth Removal?


Have you recently been told that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed? If so, then you may have questions about what the recovery process will look like — and how it will impact your daily life.

Wisdom teeth removal is a common oral surgery procedure and knowing what to expect when it's done can allow you to be prepared for a fast, smooth recovery. To help you get started, this article explores how long recovery will take and what you may encounter through the journey.

Immediately Following Your Oral Surgery

As soon as your wisdom teeth are removed, you will still have some numbness in your mouth due to the local anesthesia. You may have also had some sedation that needs to wear off. Be sure to have someone with you to drive you home safely.

Swelling, discomfort, and bleeding are all common within the first few hours of the procedure. This may last for the first 24 to 48 hours before dissipating. Specific post-op instructions will be given to you by your oral surgeon and should be followed carefully, such as using ice packs for swelling and taking any prescribed medications.

The First Week of Recovery

This first week after your wisdom tooth removal is when you will likely experience the most discomfort. You may notice that bruises appear and there is a good chance you will still be experiencing some pain and discomfort. Know that this is common and to be expected. After the first three days or so, things should start showing signs of improvement.

During this time, stick to a soft food diet. Cold foods often feel good as they provide a bit of soothing for the area. Continue to follow the post-op instructions given to you, including gently rinsing your mouth with salt water to prevent infection.

The Second Week of Recovery

The healing process for wisdom tooth removal takes a bit. This is when you can return to your normal daily duties, such as work or school, without any strenuous activity.

You may have some tenderness around the surgical site, but by the end of it, you should be feeling much better. Pain medication given to you by your oral surgeon or over-the-counter pain relievers may still be needed to alleviate any discomfort.

Continue being mindful of what you are eating, sticking to soft foods, and avoiding hard, crunchy foods. Also, avoid drinking from straws to protect against dry sockets — an intensely painful condition that occurs when the blood clot protecting the surgical site becomes dislodged.

The Remaining Weeks of Recovery

The next two weeks should show many signs of improvement. Any bruising you had should clear up and your level of pain should be minimal, if you have any at all. You can expect to have a follow-up appointment during week 3 or 4 so that your oral surgeon can take a look at the site and ensure it is healing properly without issue.

The area where your wisdom teeth once were will begin to fill in with soft tissue. But keep in mind that this can take months to fully heal. Continue to follow up with your oral surgeon and follow any long-term care instructions.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Albuquerque

If you need wisdom tooth removal, working with the team at Rio Grande Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center can set you up for successful healing. With the most advanced tools and experience, you will make your way through the procedure and into recovery with ease.

Call 505-821-2111 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don’t get my wisdom teeth removed?

If you have been told that you need your wisdom teeth removed it is likely because they pose a risk to your oral health. Not removing them can lead to overcrowding, pain, infection, and other dental issues.

Will I be asleep for my wisdom tooth removal?

You may be sedated for your wisdom tooth removal, leaving you either awake and relaxed or in a twilight state. Putting you to sleep through general anesthesia is not all that common.