Impacted Canines in Albuquerque, NM

An Impacted Tooth is a Tooth That Fails to Fully Pass Through the Gums.
Rio Grande Oral Surgery provides services for impacted canines in Albuquerque, NM. Call 505-821-2111 to learn more and schedule your appointment.
While wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to be impacted, impacted canines are not uncommon either. These teeth fail to fully pass through the gums. Sometimes this causes no symptoms at all, while in other cases, it can result in pain, swelling, and difficulty chewing and biting. Whether or not there are symptoms associated with an impacted canine, it’s important to seek treatment at an early age because these teeth are visible when you smile and they play an important role in eating. Impacted canines may also compromise the roots of adjacent teeth, causing resorption.
Maxillary Canines
Maxillary canines, also known as cuspid or upper eyeteeth, are typically treated by orthodontists and oral surgeons working together closely on a shared treatment plan. Occasionally, general dentists or periodontists may be involved in treatment as well. Unlike wisdom teeth, we cannot simply rely on extraction when canines are impacted, as these teeth need to be replaced.
Maxillary Canine Treatment Options Include:
- Using braces to open up space for the canine tooth or teeth to fully erupt. This is used when the primary (baby) teeth have already fallen out, but the replacement adult teeth are either fully or partially impacted.
- When the primary teeth are still in place, oral surgery can be performed to extract them and then orthodontic treatment can begin.
- Oral surgery can be used to expose the impacted adult canines, then an orthodontic bracket can be placed on the impacted canines to help them descend and bring them into alignment with the rest of the teeth in the mouth.
Consult Your Orthodontist At Rio Grande Oral Surgery
Sometimes we may also choose to wait and see if the situation resolves on its own. Consulting with your orthodontist and taking x-rays to help assess your impacted teeth below the gum line will help us determine the proper course of treatment for your needs. The older the patient, the more likely it is that the impacted canines will not resolve without appropriate treatment.
Are you looking for an oral surgeon in Albuquerque, NM? Call Rio Grande Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center today at 505-821-2111 to schedule your first appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Impacted Canines
Is it necessary to remove impacted canines?
The ideal solution is not to remove an impacted canine, but to help dislodge it from your jaw and gum tissue so it can erupt properly. This is often accomplished with the help of an orthodontist. In some cases, this isn’t possible; we may then recommend that your impacted canine is extracted and replaced with a dental implant or bridge.
How long does it take to fix an impacted canine?
Surgery to expose an impacted canine can take 30 minutes to an hour, but once it is exposed, it still must be moved to its proper position through orthodontic treatment. The time needed for this can vary.
What happens if you leave an impacted canine?
If the primary tooth is still present, it will be extracted. Then, the impacted canine is exposed. Once exposed, an orthodontist can affix a bracket to it and use braces to guide it into the proper position. Another option is to extract the impacted canine and replace it with a bridge or dental implant. Finally, if the space between your teeth is small after the canine is extracted, you may simply choose to close it with orthodontic treatment.
How do you fix an impacted canine?
The ideal solution is not to remove an impacted canine, but to help dislodge it from your jaw and gum tissue so it can erupt properly. This is often accomplished with the help of an orthodontist. In some cases, this isn’t possible; we may then recommend that your impacted canine is extracted and replaced with a dental implant or bridge.
How much does it cost to fix impacted canines?
The cost of treating impacted canines depends on a number of factors, including how many impacted canines you have, whether you are exposing them or extracting them, and any subsequent orthodontic treatment. We’ll help you understand the oral surgery costs involved when you come to our office for a consultation.
What causes canine teeth to become impacted?
Canine teeth can become impacted for many different reasons. For instance, it can be due to overcrowding and lack of space in the jaw. And, it can also be due to misalignment or poor alignment.
Is it possible for an impacted canine tooth to heal on its own?
No. An impacted canine tooth will not fix itself over time. The only solution is to have the impacted tooth removed.
How common are impacted canines?
When most people think of impacted teeth, they think of wisdom teeth. However, impacted canine teeth are just as common - especially the maxillary canine. About 2% of the population will experience impacted canines.
What can be expected from surgery to expose the impacted canine and attach a bracket?
This oral surgery is rather straightforward and painless - thanks to local anesthesia. As long as you have an experienced oral surgeon like Dr. Steel, then you can feel confident that the procedure will go smoothly. You may experience minor discomfort once the anesthetic wears off, but over-the-counter pain medication should offer relief. This should subside within a couple of days.
How long will braces have to be worn as part of the treatment for impacted canines?
This will vary from patient to patient - especially since orthodontic treatment is often treating more than just the impacted teeth. When you have your consultation and a personalized treatment plan is set up, you will be able to have a clearer idea of a timeline.
How can I get started?
If you think that you have an impacted canine tooth or are experiencing symptoms, then contact Rio Grande Oral Surgery today at 505-821-2111. Or, request an appointment online.